Upcoming Events

ACS CAN Relay for Life at Irvington

The Youth Chapter of our foundation is working with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network to start their annual fundraiser called Relay for Life at Irvington High School in Fremont, CA. The youth chapter hopes to bring the #GoldTogether program of ACS CAN to Irvington to specifically raise funds for childhood cancer. Please watch this space for more details!

Past Events

BORN Gala 2023
With over 400 attendees, our inaugural BORN Gala 2023 was a resounding success, marked by generosity, community spirit, and celebration. Thank you for an amazing gala! Fundraising Achievement: Thanks to the incredible generosity of attendees and sponsors, we raised an impressive $100,000. These funds will play a pivotal role in supporting DIPG Cancer research and patient-support opportunities that will make a real impact in our mission to further the cause of DIPG Brain Cancer.   As we reflect on the success of this event, we are filled with gratitude for your support and commitment to NKBR. Your attendance and contributions have made a meaningful difference, and we are grateful for your continued commitment to our goal. Here are a few highlights of the Gala Add link